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One Community - One Keystone


Representing the common interests of HOA's and homeowners to Vail Resorts and to local, state and county governments.

Committee Chair:      Lori Moeller

If you have any comments, suggestions or questions for the Advocacy Committee, you can send an email to the Committee Chair listed above, or use the link to the right to submit your message.

This page is intended to be a resource for all Keystone HOA's to help you be aware of upcoming legislation that could affect you, who you can contact, and where you can find more information.  We've divided the page into three sections:

    1.  Colorado State Legislature
    2.  Summit County Government
    3.  Additional Resources

When contacting your elected officials, please keep in mind that being your elected representative is probably not their only job.  Please keep all comments concise and to the point.  Most important, be absolutely honest and accurate.  Facts and sources that support your comments are appreciated.


Most legislation that affects your HOA comes from the Colorado State Legislature.  Below are links to newly passed legislation, pending legislation, and how to contact the law makers that represent you in the Keystone area. They want to hear from you and appreciate all reasonable input.

Most legislation that affects your HOA comes from the Colorado State Legislature.  Below are links to newly passed legislation, pending legislation, and how to contact the law makers that represent you in the Keystone area. They want to hear from you and appreciate all reasonable input.

Pending Legislation

This is a great link about all pending bills in the Colorado legislature.  If you type in HOA in the subject window, it will only show legislation that mentions HOA's.  There is legislation that affects HOA's that many not mention HOA's.  Fire mitigation and various grants would be examples.  When KOA becomes aware of any legislation affecting HOA's we will let you know and send you an email with more details.

Your Contacts:      

Colorado State Senate District 8

Dylan Roberts

Colorado State House District 61

Julie McCluskie


Here is a link to your County Commissioners.  Each of them would probably appreciate if you sent them an email asking to keep you informed of issues that may affect you.  There is also a link that shows the agenda for Summit County Commissioner meetings.

Summit County Commissioners

Summit County Commissioner Meeting Agendas


One of the best ways to keep track of what is going on in Summit County is to read the Summit Daily.

Summit Daily Online

Altitude Law has an excellent newsletter.  Consider signing up for a free subscription.  The form to subscribe to the Newsletter can be found at the bottom of any web page.

Altitude Law

The Altitude Law website also has a lot of excellent information, including a "Legislative Tracker" that is kept up to date.

Altitude Law Legislative Tracker

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